Description: LiDAR Point Clouds are compressed for file storage and transfer. VGIN utilizes the compressed ESRI .zLAS format while USGS and NOAA utilize the compressed .LAZ format. This dataset will provide the end user a necessary set of geographic extents that can be used with an ArcGIS Desktop or Pro session to select by location specific areas of download. The downloads can either be batch processed by the analysis with scripting and modeling or individual tiles can be downloaded. This is the tile data powering VGIN ArcGIS server services utilized in the VGIN LiDAR Download Application.
Copyright Text: Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)
Description: LiDAR Point Clouds are compressed for file storage and transfer. VGIN utilizes the compressed ESRI .zLAS format while USGS and NOAA utilize the compressed .LAZ format. This dataset will provide the end user a necessary set of geographic extents that can be used with an ArcGIS Desktop or Pro session to select by location specific areas of download. The downloads can either be batch processed by the analysis with scripting and modeling. This is the project inventory areas data powering VGIN ArcGIS server services utilized in the VGIN LiDAR Download Application.
Copyright Text: Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)