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Service Description: Any determination of topography or contours, or any depiction of physical improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general information only and shall not be used for the design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination. The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) and its partners have coordinated the development of a statewide Land Cover Dataset, improving land coverage data to assist localities in planning and implementing stormwater management programs. The Land Cover product leverages the Commonwealth's investment in the VBMP digital orthophotography and is focused on creating a consistent, statewide 1 meter digital land classification. Land Cover data extraction is being publicly provided back to local governments and state agencies in both raster and vector data formats.
Map Name: VA_Land_Cover
All Layers and Tables
Description: Any determination of topography or contours, or any depiction of physical improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general information only and shall not be used for the design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination. The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) and its partners have coordinated the development of a statewide Land Cover Dataset, improving land coverage data to assist localities in planning and implementing stormwater management programs. The Land Cover product leverages the Commonwealth's investment in the VBMP digital orthophotography and is focused on creating a consistent, statewide 1 meter digital land classification. Land Cover data extraction is being publicly provided back to local governments and state agencies in both raster and vector data formats.
Copyright Text: Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN)
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: true
Tile Info:
- Height: 256
- Width: 256
- DPI: 96
Levels of Detail: 24
Level ID: 1
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[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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Level ID: 3
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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Level ID: 4
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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Level ID: 5
[ Start Tile, End Tile ]
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- Compression Quality: 75.0
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Y: 2.0037508342787E7
- Spatial Reference: 102100
Storage Info:
- Storage Format: esriMapCacheStorageModeCompactV2
- Packet Size: 128
Initial Extent:
XMin: -9312338.757134333
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Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
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XMax: -8328992.0557608
YMax: 4854443.863789792
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Virginia Land Cover
Comments: Any determination of topography or contours, or any depiction of physical improvements, property lines or boundaries is for general information only and shall not be used for the design, modification, or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination. The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) and its partners have coordinated the development of a statewide Land Cover Dataset, improving land coverage data to assist localities in planning and implementing stormwater management programs. The Land Cover product leverages the Commonwealth's investment in the VBMP digital orthophotography and is focused on creating a consistent, statewide 1 meter digital land classification. Land Cover data extraction is being publicly provided back to local governments and state agencies in both raster and vector data formats.
Subject: 1 m Land Cover Dataset based on a 12 classification scheme. This statewide dataset is divided into tiled imagery from the VBMP orthophotography 2011-2015
Keywords: Virginia,Land Cover
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: false
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 5.91657527591555E8
Max Scale: 70.5310735
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
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