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snippet: The Virginia landmark dataset consists of Address Points of Interest for government affiliated assets within the Commonwealth of Virginia. This layer began as part of the data development project in 2008-2009. VGIN was tasked to generate cartography and data for a specific application for locating Virginia state agency assets in relation to the project. In 2010, The State Broadband Data Development Program (SBDD) Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) dataset leveraged much of the pre-existing data and enhanced the data to include many other facilities.
summary: The Virginia landmark dataset consists of Address Points of Interest for government affiliated assets within the Commonwealth of Virginia. This layer began as part of the data development project in 2008-2009. VGIN was tasked to generate cartography and data for a specific application for locating Virginia state agency assets in relation to the project. In 2010, The State Broadband Data Development Program (SBDD) Community Anchor Institutions (CAI) dataset leveraged much of the pre-existing data and enhanced the data to include many other facilities.
extent: [[-83.7317496272181,36.4745697979118],[-75.2780022059151,39.3924422907372]]
accessInformation: VGIN, COVA Agencies
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["ArcGIS","ArcGIS Server","Data","Map Service","Service"]
description: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>The points have since been checked and updated annually as part of the Virginia Landmark dataset. The data is matched to the Virginia Address Point dataset. There are numerous data sources associated to the point. The general development methodology is as follows: The facility data was extracted and geocoded to the VGIN Geocoding service. If results were positioned on the Road Centerline by the RCL locator, those features were subsequently updated and moved to match the address point in the data layer. Unmatched results were added to the map. Non-spatial address location data is harvested into a table from the source agency endpoint and checked against the GIS data annually. Fields for Landmark Name, Place Type, Source, and Source Type can be used to differentiate specific data as stored in the dataset.</span></p></div></div></div>
title: VA_Landmarks
type: Map Service
tags: ["Address Points","Landmarks","Points of Interest","COVA"]
culture: en-US
name: VA_Landmarks
guid: C54544F9-0A7B-41E3-B035-E3EF69461E19
minScale: 0
spatialReference: Lambert_Conformal_Conic_Virginia